Director: Paul Feig ("Freaks and Greeks")
Starring: Kristen Wiig ("Saturday Night Live"), Maya Rudolph ("Saturday Night Live"), Rose Byrne ("Damages"), Melissa McCarthy ("Gilmore Girls")
Do you ever get asked to be a part of a wedding party? You obviously say yes because you adore the person, but you realize you don't know what you've gotten yourself into? Annie (Wiig) is at a rough place in her life. She works part time at a jewelry store since she had to close down her bakery. She is sleeping with a douchebag (John Hamm!) She may get evicted from her apartment she shares with a weird set of British twins.

When her best friend, Lillian (Rudolph), asks her to be her maid of honor, Annie agrees even though she hasn't a clue of what it entitles. As Annie pulls up to the country club to meet the wedding party and various friends and family, she realizes she is a bit out of her league, especially when she meets Helen (Byrne). Helen is one of the bridesmaids who is the wife of Lillian's fiance's boss. Helen is dressed to the nines in a huge designer dress while Annie is wearing her every day wear. As Helen tries to take over the maid of honor duties, Annie believes she's been pushed aside and that Lillian would rather have the lavish party and dresses that Helen can pull off. After food poisoning, a failed attempt at dress shopping, and getting drunk on a plane Annie pushes her friendship to the limits.

Judd Apatow (Knocked Up, The 40-Year Old Virgin) has produced this movie which Wiig co-wrote. Like most Apatow movies, the movie is a bit on the long side for a comedy. There are many subplots that aren't necessarily vital to the plot. Some work with the story and some don't. Annie's relationship with her mom (the late Jill Clayburgh) and conflicts with her roommates add background and exposition to her character but aren't necessary. On the other hand, Annie gets pulled over by a Irish cop (Chris O'Dowd) and starts a friendship with him. O'Dowd has charm and plays well off of Wiig.

Bridesmaids is a very funny movie. There are many scenes I was laughing hysterically out loud at including Annie's drunken plane rant and a scene where Annie and Helen have numerous failed attempts to get the cop's attention. Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph are wonderful physical comediennes. Melissa McCarthy steals every scene she is in as the groom's masculine sister. She's the polar opposite of what Helen stands for. I will most likely have to see it again as there were many moments I missed due to laughing so hard.
Rating: **** (4 out of 5 stars)
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