Tis the season of summer popcorn blockbusters. Tis the season where I swear I will get to more movies than the previous summer. Tis the season where I once again fail at that goal. Oops.
Let's just take a quick glimpse at the summer movies I've seen SO FAR: Sex and the City 2, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Toy Story 3, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. Yes, you have read correctly. That is only 4 movies. I know I know. I have disappointed myself and my readers. Ones I have missed: Iron Man 2, Robin Hood, Shrek Forever After, The A-Team, Letters to Juliet, How to Train You Dragon, Marmaduke. Oh wait, I had NO intention of seeing Marmaduke so you can just forget I mentioned it. I actually spent a few of my Friday nights hitting up the Trylon seeing old Spielberg movies. It was so awesome seeing Jaws, Close Encounters, and Jurassic Park on a bigger screen again. After looking at the list of recent box office stats, I realized I really haven't missed out on any amazing movies this summer. Sex and the City 2 was disappointing for sure. I liked it yes, but left the theater really disappointed. Prince of Persia was good for some Jake Gyllenhaal action but that was about it. Eclipse was super fun and the best of the Twilight series. That leads us to the best movie of the summer... drumroll.... TOY STORY 3!!!!! You may be saying to yourself, "Paul, grow up". "Paul, it's a kids movie" "Toy Story 3? Really?" Don't judge until you see it. Toy Story 3 has more story, character, feeling, and emotion than most movies these days. Once again, Pixar has crafted a very touching movie that just gets to me. By the end, I found myself weeping a little. I wasn't sure why but all of a sudden the tear ducts opened up, and Pixar touched me once again.
It's been a busy summer so far. 3 weddings, leaving a job and starting a job, working at other jobs, Fringe rehearsals, and a wonderful trip to La Crosse have made for some busy weekends. I am doing my SECOND Fringe show ever. I will be appearing in "Bad Things Done Bad" at Theatre in the Round this August as part of the MN Fringe Festival. It's a cross between "August: Osage County" and "Avenue Q". I play two very different roles so it should be very interesting. One of those roles happens who be a teddy bear that isn't quite the moral bear he should be.
Speaking of "Bad Things Done Bad", I should get a crack at that script before bed time hits. I guess the next blog will have to be about the new job, as I really haven't touched on it yet.
Until then,