Shockingly enough, I have not dropped off the face of the planet. I am currently sitting in my new one bedroom apartment watching today's Jeopardy that I have DVRed. DVR is becoming a new love in my life. Is that sad? I had to get it in order to stay caught up with the new television season starting. Due to the fact that I am NEVER home, this was my only answer. I just can't get behind on Glee or Modern Family like I did last season. Let's not forget about Parenthood either.
I moved into the new pad about two weeks ago and have been loving it ever since. It's fascinating what living alone can be like. Being the "hoarder" that I am I literally couldn't have done it without all of the help I received. I didn't realize what a huge pain and how stressful moving is. I've moved numerous times before, but this was my far the most stressful move. Holy hell.
The Fringe show is over, and I've moved onto a beast of a play. "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett. It's no easy script either. The challenge is what makes it interesting and exciting.
Okay, I will totally try to blog more often. More fun items too and not just once-a-month life updates. I had a wonderful brunch with a family friend the other day. She asked me to write movie reviews for her foodie blog she writes. I accepted the challenge and will contribute a movie review based on a foodie movie at least once a month. I haven't decided on the first movie yet. I've got some ideas though. Stay tuned for updates!
-P McG